The Rise of BYOD Workspaces

The physical workplace is ever-evolving from static to dynamic to cater to changing business and needs of employees. As times change, companies need to embrace workplace trends to engage employees and boost productivity

The Bring Your Own Device or BYOD concept may not be a new tech trend because it has been around and initially introduced in 2009. However, its continuous rise and significance are caused by increased productivity, reduced hardware, software, networking costs, and the convenience it provides. 

There seems to be no reason not to adopt a BYOD culture because it comes with many advantages. Here, you will learn more about BYOD workspaces, how they are set up, and what types of businesses or companies use them. Continue reading to learn more.

The Rise of BYOD Workspaces

Defining BYOD

BYOD is an emerging trend in workplaces where employees use their personal devices for work matters, specifically in accessing company information and applications. The device could be a smartphone, tablet, laptop, portable hard drive, or any consumer piece of technology.

BYOD comes with other variations such as bring your own laptop (BYOL), bring your own computer (BYOC), bring your own apps (BYOA), and bring your own PC (BYOPC). 

As people increasingly own high-end mobile computing devices and become more attached to these and their operating systems, the adoption of BYOD has been growing ever since. 

Effects of BYOD

It’s helping organizations improve employee productivity and engagement. Researches show that a BYOD policy can increase productivity by 34 percent and save employees over an hour a day. 

Device familiarity helps improve the level of satisfaction and efficiency of employees. Through this program, employees can start working immediately, for they are adept at using their devices. 

Furthermore, BYOD ensures uninterrupted remote access to corporate data. To top it all off, it’s cost-efficient for employers because they don’t need to procure new devices.

Setting Up BYOD Workspaces

It starts with the preparation for device integration with a detailed digital strategy. To limit the potential risks that could come from its implementation, drawing up a policy that stipulates usage terms at work and outside of it is also a requirement. 

Besides, the company must properly communicate the implications of data breaches. Because the BYOD setup will use device monitoring technologies to track business-related activities, it must inform the employees regarding these. 

Moreover, the consideration of network scalability and capability is also vital to accommodate the influx and simultaneous use of personal devices. Studies found that there must be at least 20% more WiFi capacity and sufficient wireless bandwidth to support devices. 

Security in Relation to BYOD

Businesses should have access rights specifications, and they should give authorization to confidential information only when needed. 

For addressing security concerns, companies must install the latest security programs and anti-malware to improve security. Devices must also be linked to secure cloud-based network and data storage services. 

Embracing BYOD Culture

The Rise of BYOD Workspaces

It is no surprise that most technology and software services companies, like Intel and SAP, have been at the forefront in embracing a BYOD culture. They have been able to establish an organization-wide policy implementation that keeps running things smoothly. 

They instilled workers-management trust by establishing clear communication with their employees. They made sure that employees are aware of how much information management can see on their devices

Additionally, SAP has developed a specialized mobile platform filled with applications that allow employees to work anywhere as long as they have their devices ready. It also created a decommission system that increases security when a smartphone or tablet is lost or stolen. 

Aside from these companies, investment and advisory firms are also starting to find plenty of success with BYOD. Blackstone, for example, is also doing it although they may not be a tech company. 


To make a successful BYOD program, companies should prioritize security and communication. Having a solid understanding of the risks and strategies to mitigate issues and concerns with BYOD will build more confidence. 

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